Saturday, October 30, 2010

Container Gardening

I really love to dress up those small or large unusual containers. They bring great joy and life to any small space such as a patio or deck. The require less care, have less weeds and bloom the entire season. Vegetables, flowers and any variety or mix that you may like. I especially enjoy the brightly colored flowers in the early spring and late fall. A great site to check out for the northwest gardener is: There are so many wonderful ideas there and how to plant sections. Gardening in the Northwest can be challenging, but so worth the effort! Enjoy...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pollen in the Garden

In the Fall season we do indeed have Pollen in the garden and outdoor areas of our homes. Most of the worst pollen comes from the trees and ragweed plants. To help minimize the problem: stay indoors on the worst days, wear a mask and washable clothing after being outdoors. Change clothing as to not bring the pollen indoors. Track the movement of the pollen in your own area on the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology website @ and the National Allergy Bureau @ 1-800-9-pollen. Many local newspapers and television stations also track this information. And if it gets too bad... simply garden indoors! Enjoy the lovely gardens in the Pacific Northwest....

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bring the Garden Indoors

Every year we know that we will miss our dear summer blooming flowers. My solution when the season changes is to bring some of the flowers indoors. Many varieties do very well in our homes. It is an efficient way to keep those plants healthy and to bring them forward into the spring. Get together your most unique containers and experiment with design, color of blooms and location of good light sources. Close to a window with natural light is always best. Transplant the garden variety of just about any outdoor plant into a work of art featuring a lovely living and blooming plant.( Just make sure to shake off any bugs first!) Geraniums, pansies, petunias, daisies, ivy, parsley, chives, peppers, just about any favorite plant will do. Turn your most interesting container into a delightful centerpiece with a small amount of design and imagination. A truly wonderful project for young and old to do together. Just be sure to add water! Have fun planting!